For emergencies after hours, weekends, and holidays, please contact the dispatch office at. The committee has 13 members appointed by the Mayor and City Council, and come from residents and business owners in Leon Valley. The approval of a temporary restraining order against the City of Leon Valley means that City Council's originally scheduled 3. (M&C # 2021Historical Society - Contact Mark Eisenhauer at [email protected] may pick up their pool armband at Leon Valley City Hall, from Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, and on Fridays, from 7:30 am to 11:30 am, at the. An Update on the Town Hall meeting (M&C # 2022-01-06-4640) 9. 10, 2023, 6:30 - 10:30 p. Learn more about Leon Valley City Hall's competitors and alternatives by exploring information about those companies. N. Adjournment Executive Session. Phone: (210) 684-1391. View and pay Utility Billing accounts online. Discussion and Possible Action on a Resolution of The City of Leon Valley, TX. Monday, May 29, 2023 (All day) Add to your calendar. Upcoming Important Events: a. Discussion and Possible Action on Terminating Lease Agreement with Eduardo and Ruth Ramos and Entering into a Lease Agreement with Cha Cha's Cafe (M&C # 2017-11-02-02 K. M. 6:00 PM Call to Order, Determine a Quorum is Present, Pledge of Allegiance. Sign the petition to defend TXSHEEPDOG at Jack’s fight: to. Annual Town Hall Meeting, Saturday, January 25, 2020, from 8:30 a. m. Upcoming. City Hall Hours. 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 | (210) 684-1391 | Staff DirectoryLeon Valley, TX Utility Billing. to 12:30 p. to 6:00 P. Leon Valley Regular Meeting Agenda August 17, 2021 City of Leon Valley Page 2 Updated 8/13/2021 11:31 AM of social, ceremonial, or community events organized or sponsored by the governing body or that was or will be attended by a member of the Leon Valley City Council or a City official. at the Conference Center. Consideration of the Following City Council Minutes: a. ” - Albert Einstein. com. M. 210-684-1391 . LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL was posted at the Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, Texas, and remained posted until after the meeting(s) hereby posted concluded. Discussion and Possible Action to. to 5:00 P. Author: Stan Irwin Created Date:Any person desiring to conduct a garage sale shall first obtain a permit from Leon Valley City Hall. The single story modern building also serves as the police station for the city of about 11,000 residents. • City of Leon Valley Ethics Training: Session Title: Fostering Integrity at the City of Leon Valley Dates: 1st Session: Monday, May 20, 2019, from 2:00 p. City Hall 6400 El Verde Rd. m. Leon Valley City Hall - 1 Recommendation - NextdoorAddress: City Hall 6400 El Verde Rd. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, November 19, 2019. Crystal Miranda. The City of Leon Valley City Council shall hold an in-person meeting with as many City Members of City Council physically present as possible. On a Saturday late last month, a group of Constitution activists staged a protest outside the Leon Valley City Hall. com Family of 7 displaced by Leon Valley fire needs assistanceLeon Valley Regular Meeting Agenda December 15, 2020 City of Leon Valley Page 2 Updated 12/11/2020 6:13 PM • City Hall & Municipal Offices will be closed Thursday, December 24, 2020 through Friday, January 1, 2021 in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s Day Holidays. Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 PM, inNeed Help Paying Your Utilities and Other Bills? The City of Leon Valley - City Hall from City of Leon Valley · 23 Jul 20. Official public notices and meeting agendas are posted on the City's Bulletin Board outside the City Hall front doors at 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, 78238, at least 72 hours before the start of the meeting posted,. Adjournment Executive Session. Return to search results Member Type: Member City Website:. COUNCIL was posted at the Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, Texas, and remained posted until after the meeting(s) hereby posted concluded. Official public notices and meeting agendas are posted on the City's Bulletin Board outside the City Hall front doors at 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, 78238, at least 72 hours before the start of the meeting posted, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. to 5:00 p. 68 3. Murphy Post No. Beautification Committee Annual Report (Donna Charles, Chairman) 2. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:30 [email protected]. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LEON VALLEY, TEXAS, THAT IT ADOPTS THE FOLLOWING:. “AA/EEO/ADA”CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Learn more about the Leon Valley City Hall's demographics and statistics by exploring diversity metrics and key facts about the company. Fri: 8:00 A. M. Fri: 8:00 A. Hernandez, Human Resources Director, to Leon Valley City Hall at 6400 El Verde Rd, Leon Valley, TX 78238, Email: l. 153 (b) and the City Attorney Recuses Himself (M&C # 2020-09-29-02) 3. From time to time the City of Leon Valley will post new job openings on this page. Phone: (210) 684-1391. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, December 21, 2021. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:30 A. Please provide all bodycams, Leon Valley EMT reports and incident reports relating to the events involving Larry Hall on February 25, 2021, at 7207 Gumtree Street,. Phone: (210) 684-1391. Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Leon Valley Regular Meeting Agenda September 7, 2021 City of Leon Valley Page 3 Updated 9/3/2021 3:39 PM 4. Position open until filled. 1 of 2. 2008 Voters approved an additional sales and use tax in 2008 of one-eighth (1/8) of one percent to promote economic development projects under a. 223. Welcome to our online payments website! The following services are available: View and pay Municipal Court citations online. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action to consider a request by CDSThe bi-monthly publication of the City of Leon Valley, Texas Leon Valley City Hall 6400 El Verde Road Leon Valley, TX 78238 PRSRTD STD U. Any request for sign interpretive or other services must. m. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:30 A. City Hall Closed. The City Council of the City of Leon Valley reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on the posted agenda, above, as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Sections 551. M. These members of other City boards, commissions, and/or committees may not deliberate or take action on items listed on the agenda. Phone: (210) 684-1391. City of Leon Valley Page 3 Updated 12/2/2021 5:57 PM 8. at the Conference Center. In Person at Leon Valley City Hall during regular business hours. M. 8:30 AM Call to Order, Determine a Quorum is Present. The City of Leon Valley was incorporated in 1952. This notice is posted on the City website at This building is wheelchair accessible. Watch our website for the latest information and news on City events. m. M. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY) PERSONAL. Fri: 8:00 A. Last week, the Leon Valley's city manger submitted his resignation, the latest in a. The City of Leon Valley - City Hall from City of Leon Valley · 3 Oct. TelephoneThe Mission of the Human Resources Department Is to partner with all City departments in providing strategic, professional, competent, responsible, and quality Human Resources Services through teamwork; that. M. m. Address: City Hall 6400 El Verde Rd. Phone: (210) 684-1391. Please see list of Do & Do Not items. Annual Town Hall Meeting, Saturday, January 25, 2020, from 8:30 a. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, June 18, 2019 AGENDA 1. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:30 A. gov or deliver it to Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, Texas 78238. Leon Valley, TX 78238. 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 | (210) 684-1391 | Staff DirectoryThe City of Leon Valley - City Hall from City of Leon Valley · 19 May 21. I hereby that the above NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING(S) AND AGENDA OF THE LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL was posted at the Leon valley City Hall, 6400. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, October 15, 2019. 216. body or that was or will be attended by a member of the Leon Valley City Council or a City official. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance Amending the Leon Valley Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1 General, Article 1. M. CPS Energy Community Assistance Summary: Apply for assistance today! There are many programs and sources of funds available to help the community. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, January 11, 2022. 5. Official public notices and meeting agendas are posted on the City's Bulletin Boards outside the City Hall front doors at 6400 El Verde Road, at least 72 hours before the start of the meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, and are also posted on the City's website. Application2006. Our friendly and experienced City Staff is always available to assist you with your event and budget. Any request for sign interpretive or other services must be made 48 hours in advance of the. More information is available on the application which can be found on the at: You may also stop by City Hall and pick up an application. Fri: 8:00 A. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL ANNUAL TOWN HALL MEETING Leon Valley City Leon Valley Conference Center 6421 Evers Rd, Leon Valley, TX 78240. Executive Session. Murphy Post No. I hereby certify that the above NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING(S) AND AGENDA OF THE LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL was posted at the Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, Texas, on at January 11, 2017 8:00 p. City Hall -- 107. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on. City, Village & Township Government Police Departments (1) WebsiteThe Leon Valley Community Pool is open. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, January 21, 2020 AGENDA 1. , Monday through Thursday, and from 8:00 a. Upcoming Important Events: · Special City Council Meeting, Monday, August 10, 2020, at 5:30 [email protected] was posted at the Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, Texas, and remained posted until after the meeting(s) hereby posted concluded. Back to calendar. on Fridays. As always, we invite you to Connect with Us. City Attorney, Ethics Compliance Officer when Outside Counsel is Required Under Code of Ordinance Section 1. The City Council Reserves the Option to Recess the Meeting During the Day of July 2, 2019, and to Reconvene the Meeting on The Following Business Day, Tuesday, July 3, 2019, at 5:30 P. Friday,wh. Presentation of the Zoning Commission's Annual. M. 6:00 PM Call to Order and Determine a Quorum is Present. Employment applications are available at the Leon Valley City Hall, 6400 El Verde, Leon Valley, Texas 78238 or on the City’s website at OPEN UNTIL FILLED . pd . 2. The Leon Valley Community Pool is open. There were approximately 100 citizens attending, as well as Mayor Chris Riley, and all City Council Members: Dr. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Direction on the Graffiti. to 6:00 P. Welcome (Mayor Chris Riley - 5 minutes) 2. 1001 Mayor’s Message Vol. The Leon Valley Police Department is on Facebook and Next-Door Neighbor social media sites. David Edwards, Place 1; Belinda Ealy, Place 2; Monica Alcocer, Place 3. All non-emergency City offices will be closed Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. 2. Leon Valley Area Chamber of Commerce - Bill Gerlt at (210) 364-0177 or at [email protected]. The City of Leon Valley - City Hall from City of Leon Valley · 22 Oct 21. to 5:00 P. M. The City Council of the City of Leon Valley reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course. - 6:00 p. S. to 5:00 P. M. The Texas city of Leon Valley has apologized after local police detained street artist Lakey Hinson on May 15. Hours: Mon - Thu: 7:30 A. Help us celebrate Independence Day the Leon Valley way and join us in the 27th Annual 4th of July Parade and Fireworks Show! Elements include a morning ’5K Pioneer Firecracker Run/Walk’; in the evening the 27th Annual Leon Valley Parade, Music by DJ Stevie Mac's. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, May 21, 2019 AGENDA 1. 071 (consultation with attorney), 551. Hours Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Leon Valley City Council Chambers 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 Tuesday, February 2, 2021 MINUTES 5:15 PM Call to Order; Determine a Quorum is Present, Pledge of Allegiance. City Manager's Report 1. to 5:00 P. City Hall is located at 6400 El Verde Road, and is open from 7:30 a. , Leon Valley City Hall, undefined and more. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. M. The City Council of the City of Leon Valley reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on the posted agenda, above, as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Sections 551. Leon Valley Public Library Children's Wing Expansion Groundbreaking Ceremony! After years of hard work, hundreds of. Leon Valley, TX 78238. at the City Hall *NEW DATE and LOCATION* ; Neighborhood Renewal July 27, 2019, from 8 a. 216. Mowing gardening decorating for events and holidays. 10/03/18. 35 Acres Identified as 6503 Samaritan Drive, Leon Valley, Texas, 78238, (CB 4430 P-15:. City of Leon Valley. Leon Valley City Hall's revenue is $1. 3. All city services and operations are still available by phone and email. This notice is posted on the City website at This building is wheelchair accessible. to 6:00 P. Phone: (210) 684-1391. Nov. The 2021 Spring Large Item Waste Pick Up is scheduled for the week of March 1, 2021. 2. 6:00 PM Call to Order, determine a Quorum is Present, Pledge of Allegiance. This notice is posted on the City website at This building is wheelchair accessible. CITY OF LEON VALLEY CITY COUNCIL ANNUAL TOWN HALL MEETING Leon Valley City Leon Valley Conference Center 6421 Evers Rd, Leon Valley, TX 78240 Saturday, January 26, 2019 MINUTES 1. Collection Begins on Monday, March 2, 2020 at 7:00 a. Agendas are posted outside City Hall 72 hours before each Council Meeting and posted on this website. Good afternoon Leon Valley Residents, Due to a glitch on the City’s website, any issues or concerns that were submitted through the ON-IT reporting system online may not have been received. Government Websites by CivicPlus®. m. City Council Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p. Chichi Junda Woo as the Health Authority for the City of Leon Valley (M&C # 2020-05-19-05 M. See what kind of people work at Leon Valley City Hall, career paths working at Leon Valley City Hall, company culture, salaries. 1001 Mayor’s Message Vol. The City of Leon Valley’s Annual Town Hall Meeting was held on Saturday, January 27, 2018 from 8:30 A. If you are considering a rewarding career in the public service sector please visit this page regularly. S.